

Imagine a reporter writing that a candidate is probably too honest for politics. It happened to me two decades ago when I ran for local government office. I knew that it was highly unlikely I’d win the election and truthfully, I didn’t want to. What I wanted was for a half-cent county sales tax to pass to fund public schools in fast growing Orange County, Florida. The incumbent opposed the tax until I entered the race as a politically inexperienced mother of two public school children, and a volunteer with the PTA and School Advisory Committee at my daughters' elementary school. When I entered the race, the incumbent formed a committee to 'study' the proposed school tax. The school tax did get approved by voters and I learned a lot about the insanity of politics and political campaigns.

I raised $500 from one donor and did not actively campaign appearing on only one television and one radio station after entering the race very late. Not a single advertisement or yard sign was purchased. Over 27,000 citizens voted for me compared to about 92,000 votes the incumbent received. There was an anti-incumbent movement. This campaign experience proved that one did not need to raise a ridiculous amount of money or abide by either established political parties rules for people to vote for you when there is dissatisfaction with the incumbents. This was prior to the digital connection we have today. The incumbent was a Republican career politician and although I was a Republican at the time, I switched parties to run as a Democrat. After the race, I switched back but since 2020, I am a registered Independent.

While I don’t envision myself to be a politician, my mind, heart and spirit are drawn to politics as it relates to money and the governments fiduciary responsibility to collect and spend taxpayer funds honestly, fairly, and wisely. This is not happening at many levels. Government has become incredibly cumbersome and inefficient under all the taxpayer money it collects and spends, and the regulations it enacts. At times, government and elected officials do not even adhere to their own laws. Revolutionizing government at all levels for citizens not just locally but nationwide is a passion of mine. Campaign finance reform and term limits, tax reform, education, housing, and right sizing government are some issues that need focused attention.

Faith truly can move mountains and oftentimes those mountains are people.

